Monday, October 3, 2011


OK, so I have decided to run a marathon. I have to put it out there so I am obligated now to actually follow through and do it, right? I am planning on running the P.F. Changs Rock and Roll Marathon in Phoenix on January 15, 2012.

So, why am I doing this? Good question. I've been exercising, running and doing weight watchers since mid-May. I've lost 20 pounds and really feel good about what I've been able to achieve. So, why not push myself a little harder and do something I've never thought I could do? A couple years ago Millie and Jacob ran the same marathon, and watching them and all the other runners was very inspiring. It was amazing to see all the different sizes and types of people who were able to push themselves to run 26 miles! If they can do it, so can I!

I've just started my official training September 19. So far, things are going well! This last week I ran 3, 4, 3, and 6 miles. My knees are starting to bother me a little bit, but I'm hoping they will adjust to the extra mileage and be ok. I'm a little nervous about the longer training runs coming, but I know I can do it. I am just going to run, and not stop. Pretty simple right? I can do that...:)

I'm not alone in this either! Millie is running it again, and Rob is going to be a first-timer with me. Katie and Brandon are also running the half marathon that day. It'll be fun having all these people going through the same thing to support each other. Well, wish me luck, I'll keep the blog updated on my progress!


  1. I am nervous about training too. I start my training this week. I hope it goes well. Brandon is already ahead of me with his training.

  2. I have faith in all of you! Keep it up!
