My baby is two years old... how did that happen? Robi is growing and becoming such a little girl, but I can't help but still think of her as my baby. Maybe that's the way it goes with the youngest. She is getting really good at throwing tantrums, screaming, and whining. It's a good thing she's so cute! For her birthday she got two pairs of shoes, big girl panties, an outfit, and a lala-loopsie doll from grandma and grandpa roper, money from grandma guillena, and our family got her a shopping cart with food, and another doll. She really enjoyed opening her gifts. We one of Rob's friends from Dental school and her husband over for dinner, presents, and cake since we have no family to share it with. It was nice to have some company, although Robi wasn't too sure about it. I made her a texas sheet cake and she blew out one of her candles as soon as I lit it. We relit, sang happy birthday, then she just starred at the candles like, "what?" We helped her out, then she ate her cake....yummmm!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
Marathon Pictures
Just for practice...
Before the race
Sprinting at the end

Crossing the finish line!

The runners!
Crossing the finish line!
The runners!
Friday, February 10, 2012
We did it! 26.2!
January 15, 2012.
This will be a day that I hope to remember for the rest of my life. I achieved something that I never thought was possible. I ran 26.2 miles. So many people have said to me that there is no way they could do it, and I used to be one of them, but I can honestly say that almost anyone can complete a marathon if they really want to do it. I’m not saying it was easy, it was probably one of the most mentally and physically challenging things I have done, but it was so worth it and I feel so good that I did.
The last weeks and days leading up to the actual race were stressful and crazy! For one thing we decided to move out of our apartment and into a rental house, and started moving January 6. We were completely out of our apartment January 11. Plus, Rob was taking finals, and I was still working through it all. Needless to say, I didn’t get the last few training runs in. I started feeling discouraged that I didn’t finish out my training. I knew I wasn’t hydrating and carb-loading/fueling as well as I could have, and feeling frustrated and defeated before I even got to race day. I started to worry that I wasn’t going to be able to run as fast as Rob, or Millie and they’d leave me far behind in the dust. I worried that I would have to walk during the race. I was feeling bad that my final time wouldn’t be as good as I had hoped. A few days before the race I stood in the shower and said, No! I am not going to feel bad about this Marathon. I have been training my body for 16 weeks. This whole training program hasn’t been about how fast I can go, or who I can keep up with. This is about finishing. I changed my outlook and thoughts and got excited. I was going to run this race. I didn’t care how long it took me. I didn’t care how slow I ran and who passed me up. I was going to run, and enjoy every moment. I vowed I would take in the excitement of every mile, every person cheering us on, every person running beside, in front, and behind me. I decided to be grateful for the experience of running a marathon! How many people can say they have done it? I was ready.
My sisters and parents came to Arizona; Katie to run the half, Millie to run the full, and my parents and Abbie to cheer us on and watch all the kids. It was so great to see them all. My dad booked a hotel suite Saturday night close to the race so we could get there without too much trouble the next morning.
Race Day
We got up very early Sunday morning and headed out on the train to start the race. The morning was a little chilly, but not too bad. How exciting to see all the runners! I remember the nervousness and excitement and how I just wanted to start! The race was delayed 20 or more minutes, so we all stood around anxious to get going! Pretty soon, we did! It felt so great! Rob left Millie and I very soon after the start, probably the first mile. That was fine, I think he was just anxious to get going too! Millie and I took it easy the first few miles to get warmed up. Those first few miles just flew by. I couldn’t stop smiling…I was actually doing this! It was so fun seeing people standing on the side of the road waving, cheering, holding signs. There were bands and cheerleading groups along the route as well as just random well wishers! My parents were waiting for us at mile 7 and took our warmer clothes. I sure was ready to lose that sweater! The weather was absolutely perfect. It was a little overcast so it wasn’t too hot. The fam surprised us again at mile 8, then they were off to see Katie finish the half.
I really didn’t want to fun out of fuel, so I was eating sport jelly beans and drinking lots of sports drink and water. Unfortunately, all that liquid has to go somewhere. I kept telling Millie I needed to pee, and she kept telling me to hold it. Well, by mile 13 I couldn’t hold it anymore. We were still going strong and feeling good but I had to stop. We both stopped and used the port-a-potty. Ahhh. I felt so much better and Millie said, “No more stops!” At this point, we were at a area of the race where it was a out and back section. We could see the speedy racers running back on the other side of the road. It was really fun seeing and watching other people coming the other direction, one of whom was Rob! He was making great time. One of my friends from work was waiting at mile 16, and knowing she was there to cheer for me kept me going strong. I gave her a big hug and just kept running. I was surprised at how good I was still feeling at this point. I had eaten a couple GU’s by now to make sure I kept my energy up. Well, soon after this point Millie wasn’t looking so good. Her stomach was really cramping and she needed to use the bathroom. I told her, “Just hold it! No more stops!” Well, we both stopped and took another visit to the port-a-potties at mile 18. This was our last stop before the finish.
We were coming to the home stretch. I was starting to have some pain in my lower back from the constant pounding, but still feeling ok. 18 miles was the longest I had run in training, but I didn’t feel like I had to stop. When we hit mile 20, I think Millie and I really started to feel the pain. We tried to encourage each other by telling each other how much fun we were having and wish we could run for 10 more miles. We started to see a lot of walkers at this point and passed a lot of racers. Even though we were getting tired, and hurting, I was determined to keep going. I had run for 20 miles and had only 6 to go. I was not going to walk now. I got a little emotional at about 22, and almost starting crying. I looked over at Millie and was so grateful to have her next to me. I pulled it together and kept on going. I know Millie was hurting too, and she asked me if I wanted to slow down. I told her no, and I kept on pushing. Boy, those last few miles were really tough. Even though it was hard, I am proud to say that we never walked. Coming into the home stretch I asked Millie if we were going to sprint to the finish. She looked at me like I was crazy and said no…but right near the end she broke out in a sprint. I took off right behind her. It was so exhilarating to find that extra burst and push it hard to the end. I remember the overhead announcer saying, “We got a couple of sprinters here!” Millie crossed the finish line at 4:33.25 and I was right on her heels at 4:33.26. I was extremely proud of my time, especially considering I wanted to finish under 5 hours with my goal being 4:40. Rob ended up finishing at 4:25:52. He got about 20-30 minutes ahead of us but the last 6 miles his legs started cramping and he had to slow way down and walk. I’m impressed he finished as well as he did with all the cramping he was having in his calves, shins, and hamstrings.
Crossing that finish line brought such a surge of feelings…and boy did it hurt. I was surprised at how fast my body wanted to shut down as soon as I stopped running. I could hardly walk. The three of us limped around getting food to replenish, and find the family. Then getting to the car? Wow, longest walk of my life. I have never felt so sore, and stiff. Just thinking about it now makes me hurt. I heard it really helps with recovery if you can sit in an ice bath for 15-20 minutes after a marathon, so when we got home I figured I’d stand in the ice cold pool for 15 minutes. I took Abbie out with me and told her to time me. I got in that water and it took my breath away. I stood there and couldn’t believe how bad that water hurt… it was so cold! I couldn’t help myself and started bawling from the pain. I hopped out of that pool with tears running down my face. I think I lasted 1 minute. I decided I could deal with being sore. And boy was I sore. The next few days I could hardly walk. Going up and down stairs was killer. I told myself I would never run a marathon again. But, I think running a marathon is like having a baby. Once the pain fades, you forget all the bad and only remember the good. I’m now ready to do it again!
Finishing a marathon was such an amazing experience. I can honestly say I really enjoyed myself. I really tried to take in the atmosphere and journey of that race. It made me believe in myself, and know that I can do whatever I put my mind to.
This will be a day that I hope to remember for the rest of my life. I achieved something that I never thought was possible. I ran 26.2 miles. So many people have said to me that there is no way they could do it, and I used to be one of them, but I can honestly say that almost anyone can complete a marathon if they really want to do it. I’m not saying it was easy, it was probably one of the most mentally and physically challenging things I have done, but it was so worth it and I feel so good that I did.
The last weeks and days leading up to the actual race were stressful and crazy! For one thing we decided to move out of our apartment and into a rental house, and started moving January 6. We were completely out of our apartment January 11. Plus, Rob was taking finals, and I was still working through it all. Needless to say, I didn’t get the last few training runs in. I started feeling discouraged that I didn’t finish out my training. I knew I wasn’t hydrating and carb-loading/fueling as well as I could have, and feeling frustrated and defeated before I even got to race day. I started to worry that I wasn’t going to be able to run as fast as Rob, or Millie and they’d leave me far behind in the dust. I worried that I would have to walk during the race. I was feeling bad that my final time wouldn’t be as good as I had hoped. A few days before the race I stood in the shower and said, No! I am not going to feel bad about this Marathon. I have been training my body for 16 weeks. This whole training program hasn’t been about how fast I can go, or who I can keep up with. This is about finishing. I changed my outlook and thoughts and got excited. I was going to run this race. I didn’t care how long it took me. I didn’t care how slow I ran and who passed me up. I was going to run, and enjoy every moment. I vowed I would take in the excitement of every mile, every person cheering us on, every person running beside, in front, and behind me. I decided to be grateful for the experience of running a marathon! How many people can say they have done it? I was ready.
My sisters and parents came to Arizona; Katie to run the half, Millie to run the full, and my parents and Abbie to cheer us on and watch all the kids. It was so great to see them all. My dad booked a hotel suite Saturday night close to the race so we could get there without too much trouble the next morning.
Race Day
We got up very early Sunday morning and headed out on the train to start the race. The morning was a little chilly, but not too bad. How exciting to see all the runners! I remember the nervousness and excitement and how I just wanted to start! The race was delayed 20 or more minutes, so we all stood around anxious to get going! Pretty soon, we did! It felt so great! Rob left Millie and I very soon after the start, probably the first mile. That was fine, I think he was just anxious to get going too! Millie and I took it easy the first few miles to get warmed up. Those first few miles just flew by. I couldn’t stop smiling…I was actually doing this! It was so fun seeing people standing on the side of the road waving, cheering, holding signs. There were bands and cheerleading groups along the route as well as just random well wishers! My parents were waiting for us at mile 7 and took our warmer clothes. I sure was ready to lose that sweater! The weather was absolutely perfect. It was a little overcast so it wasn’t too hot. The fam surprised us again at mile 8, then they were off to see Katie finish the half.
I really didn’t want to fun out of fuel, so I was eating sport jelly beans and drinking lots of sports drink and water. Unfortunately, all that liquid has to go somewhere. I kept telling Millie I needed to pee, and she kept telling me to hold it. Well, by mile 13 I couldn’t hold it anymore. We were still going strong and feeling good but I had to stop. We both stopped and used the port-a-potty. Ahhh. I felt so much better and Millie said, “No more stops!” At this point, we were at a area of the race where it was a out and back section. We could see the speedy racers running back on the other side of the road. It was really fun seeing and watching other people coming the other direction, one of whom was Rob! He was making great time. One of my friends from work was waiting at mile 16, and knowing she was there to cheer for me kept me going strong. I gave her a big hug and just kept running. I was surprised at how good I was still feeling at this point. I had eaten a couple GU’s by now to make sure I kept my energy up. Well, soon after this point Millie wasn’t looking so good. Her stomach was really cramping and she needed to use the bathroom. I told her, “Just hold it! No more stops!” Well, we both stopped and took another visit to the port-a-potties at mile 18. This was our last stop before the finish.
We were coming to the home stretch. I was starting to have some pain in my lower back from the constant pounding, but still feeling ok. 18 miles was the longest I had run in training, but I didn’t feel like I had to stop. When we hit mile 20, I think Millie and I really started to feel the pain. We tried to encourage each other by telling each other how much fun we were having and wish we could run for 10 more miles. We started to see a lot of walkers at this point and passed a lot of racers. Even though we were getting tired, and hurting, I was determined to keep going. I had run for 20 miles and had only 6 to go. I was not going to walk now. I got a little emotional at about 22, and almost starting crying. I looked over at Millie and was so grateful to have her next to me. I pulled it together and kept on going. I know Millie was hurting too, and she asked me if I wanted to slow down. I told her no, and I kept on pushing. Boy, those last few miles were really tough. Even though it was hard, I am proud to say that we never walked. Coming into the home stretch I asked Millie if we were going to sprint to the finish. She looked at me like I was crazy and said no…but right near the end she broke out in a sprint. I took off right behind her. It was so exhilarating to find that extra burst and push it hard to the end. I remember the overhead announcer saying, “We got a couple of sprinters here!” Millie crossed the finish line at 4:33.25 and I was right on her heels at 4:33.26. I was extremely proud of my time, especially considering I wanted to finish under 5 hours with my goal being 4:40. Rob ended up finishing at 4:25:52. He got about 20-30 minutes ahead of us but the last 6 miles his legs started cramping and he had to slow way down and walk. I’m impressed he finished as well as he did with all the cramping he was having in his calves, shins, and hamstrings.
Crossing that finish line brought such a surge of feelings…and boy did it hurt. I was surprised at how fast my body wanted to shut down as soon as I stopped running. I could hardly walk. The three of us limped around getting food to replenish, and find the family. Then getting to the car? Wow, longest walk of my life. I have never felt so sore, and stiff. Just thinking about it now makes me hurt. I heard it really helps with recovery if you can sit in an ice bath for 15-20 minutes after a marathon, so when we got home I figured I’d stand in the ice cold pool for 15 minutes. I took Abbie out with me and told her to time me. I got in that water and it took my breath away. I stood there and couldn’t believe how bad that water hurt… it was so cold! I couldn’t help myself and started bawling from the pain. I hopped out of that pool with tears running down my face. I think I lasted 1 minute. I decided I could deal with being sore. And boy was I sore. The next few days I could hardly walk. Going up and down stairs was killer. I told myself I would never run a marathon again. But, I think running a marathon is like having a baby. Once the pain fades, you forget all the bad and only remember the good. I’m now ready to do it again!
Finishing a marathon was such an amazing experience. I can honestly say I really enjoyed myself. I really tried to take in the atmosphere and journey of that race. It made me believe in myself, and know that I can do whatever I put my mind to.
Friday, December 30, 2011
It's getting closer....
Well, I sure have slacked when it comes to blogging about the training for my upcoming Marathon. Rob told me he was disappointed I haven't kept it up, so...I will try to do a little catch up.
After Week 7 of training and a 14 mile run, we flew to Florida for 10 days of Disney adventure. The running definitely took a back seat to Disney World and a Disney cruise, but I was able to get a couple runs in during those 2 weeks. One was a 5K race on Disney's private island Castaway Cay with Millie and Jacob.
We flew to Utah for Thanksgiving and I got a 7 mile run in before Thanksgiving dinner, and squeezed in 16 miles somehow between family photo's and an 11 hour drive home on Saturday.
We returned home to Arizona and back into training full force. We were in the stretch of the long runs. Who would have thought 4 months ago I would run 5 miles, 8 miles, 5 miles, and then 16 miles in a week. Then turn around and do the same thing the next week, and then increase the 16 miles to 18 for two more weeks? Well, I never would have....but I did it!
The second 16 miler I had a really upset stomach the second half of the run. I kept going but I was really cramping and in a lot of pain toward the end. I had to stop and walk for a couple minutes at mile 15, but I pushed through the pain and finished it...not like I had a lot of choice, I had to get home and running is faster than walking :).
The first 18 mile run was an emotional experience for me. I was feeling a lot of pain, and fatigue at the end of the run. I hit mile 17 and didn't think I could go any further. Just then the song, "Something That I Want" from Tangled started playing. It is an upbeat song about a girl going after something that she wants and needs... I started thinking about how hard I have worked and prioritized to run this Marathon, about all the hours and effort I have put in, and how this is something that I really want, and maybe even need. I pulled some new found energy from somewhere I didn't know I had and just started running.... I felt so much emotion, I felt like anything is possible when you believe, that it may not be easy, but we can do what we set our minds to do. I cried, and ran, and finished 18 miles feeling strong and like I could do anything.
Last week was a repeat training schedule from the week before, I ran 5, 8, 5, and then 18 miles again. The 18 miler fell on Christmas Eve, and I really didn't want to do it. But Rob and I put on our running clothes anyway, and went out and ran 18 miles. This 18 miles was a lot easier than the first 18. I don't know if it's because I had already done it once, or if it was because Rob ran with me (for the first 15-16 at least) or if I was better fueled or hydrated, but I felt great and knew I could keep going. That's good, because in two weeks I will have to keep going....for 8 more miles. I know I can do it!
We are now officially on the taper. It feels so good to know there are no more long runs until race day January 15. This week's training is 5, 8, 5, and 9 miles for the long run. I have actually struggled a little this week so far. I have felt sluggish and heavy these last few runs. I have not been able to really feel effortless and fast like I have in the past. I'm not sure if this is a physical problem or a mental one, but I hope to get it corrected soon!
After Week 7 of training and a 14 mile run, we flew to Florida for 10 days of Disney adventure. The running definitely took a back seat to Disney World and a Disney cruise, but I was able to get a couple runs in during those 2 weeks. One was a 5K race on Disney's private island Castaway Cay with Millie and Jacob.
We flew to Utah for Thanksgiving and I got a 7 mile run in before Thanksgiving dinner, and squeezed in 16 miles somehow between family photo's and an 11 hour drive home on Saturday.
We returned home to Arizona and back into training full force. We were in the stretch of the long runs. Who would have thought 4 months ago I would run 5 miles, 8 miles, 5 miles, and then 16 miles in a week. Then turn around and do the same thing the next week, and then increase the 16 miles to 18 for two more weeks? Well, I never would have....but I did it!
The second 16 miler I had a really upset stomach the second half of the run. I kept going but I was really cramping and in a lot of pain toward the end. I had to stop and walk for a couple minutes at mile 15, but I pushed through the pain and finished it...not like I had a lot of choice, I had to get home and running is faster than walking :).
The first 18 mile run was an emotional experience for me. I was feeling a lot of pain, and fatigue at the end of the run. I hit mile 17 and didn't think I could go any further. Just then the song, "Something That I Want" from Tangled started playing. It is an upbeat song about a girl going after something that she wants and needs... I started thinking about how hard I have worked and prioritized to run this Marathon, about all the hours and effort I have put in, and how this is something that I really want, and maybe even need. I pulled some new found energy from somewhere I didn't know I had and just started running.... I felt so much emotion, I felt like anything is possible when you believe, that it may not be easy, but we can do what we set our minds to do. I cried, and ran, and finished 18 miles feeling strong and like I could do anything.
Last week was a repeat training schedule from the week before, I ran 5, 8, 5, and then 18 miles again. The 18 miler fell on Christmas Eve, and I really didn't want to do it. But Rob and I put on our running clothes anyway, and went out and ran 18 miles. This 18 miles was a lot easier than the first 18. I don't know if it's because I had already done it once, or if it was because Rob ran with me (for the first 15-16 at least) or if I was better fueled or hydrated, but I felt great and knew I could keep going. That's good, because in two weeks I will have to keep going....for 8 more miles. I know I can do it!
We are now officially on the taper. It feels so good to know there are no more long runs until race day January 15. This week's training is 5, 8, 5, and 9 miles for the long run. I have actually struggled a little this week so far. I have felt sluggish and heavy these last few runs. I have not been able to really feel effortless and fast like I have in the past. I'm not sure if this is a physical problem or a mental one, but I hope to get it corrected soon!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
12 miles
This week's training schedule had us run 4, 6, 4, and 12 miles.
The four mile runs went fine, no issues, pretty unremarkable, except for further decreasing my time, yeah! I ran the six mile again on the treadmill.
The trouble started with my 12 mile run. Not that is was trouble, the run itself actually went really well. Rob and I went a little later at night. I worked Friday night, and after I got up we had some errands and then ate dinner and got all the kids ready and settled into bed before we actually started our run at about 8pm. I was able to mentally and physically stay strong and motivated. Rob and I both agreed that it is amazing that we have come so far. At the beginning of training 12 miles seemed so long, and now we're doing it with little difficulty...
Except for my knees. They both started out a little achy but that went away and they felt great until between 5 and 6 miles. Then they really started to hurt, especially my left one. The pain would come in waves; achy and sore, alternating with sharp stabbing pain that made me feel like I could hardly walk, let alone keep running. I kept going, because I knew if I stopped they would really stiffen up and I wouldn't be able to get going again. It is extremely frustrating, because outside of the knee pain, I felt like I could run and run and run. I really wasn't too tired or fatigued. I finished the run with a good time, even though I was frustrated with pain.
For those with a weaker stomach, skip this next section. My stomach started cramping and rolling the last couple miles. I really needed to get home, if you know what I mean. I got home and through the gates and headed straight for the pool. I sped walked past a couple making out in the hot tub and made it just in time to the bathroom. Pheww.
Anyway, I'm having a little bit of internal debate and uncertainty at how to further proceed in my training. Today, after resting 2 days my knees are feeling somewhat better. I have been icing and taking ibuprofen. I also started taking Glucosamine today. But, I'm not running. I'm afraid at how far I should push this pain. I don't want to cause further damage, but I also really don't want to miss out on any training. I keep thinking my knees will get used to the added strain and get better on their own, but now I'm beginning to wonder. hmmmm. I just don't know.
Well, I guess you will just have to stay tuned for next week to see what I decided.
The four mile runs went fine, no issues, pretty unremarkable, except for further decreasing my time, yeah! I ran the six mile again on the treadmill.
The trouble started with my 12 mile run. Not that is was trouble, the run itself actually went really well. Rob and I went a little later at night. I worked Friday night, and after I got up we had some errands and then ate dinner and got all the kids ready and settled into bed before we actually started our run at about 8pm. I was able to mentally and physically stay strong and motivated. Rob and I both agreed that it is amazing that we have come so far. At the beginning of training 12 miles seemed so long, and now we're doing it with little difficulty...
Except for my knees. They both started out a little achy but that went away and they felt great until between 5 and 6 miles. Then they really started to hurt, especially my left one. The pain would come in waves; achy and sore, alternating with sharp stabbing pain that made me feel like I could hardly walk, let alone keep running. I kept going, because I knew if I stopped they would really stiffen up and I wouldn't be able to get going again. It is extremely frustrating, because outside of the knee pain, I felt like I could run and run and run. I really wasn't too tired or fatigued. I finished the run with a good time, even though I was frustrated with pain.
For those with a weaker stomach, skip this next section. My stomach started cramping and rolling the last couple miles. I really needed to get home, if you know what I mean. I got home and through the gates and headed straight for the pool. I sped walked past a couple making out in the hot tub and made it just in time to the bathroom. Pheww.
Anyway, I'm having a little bit of internal debate and uncertainty at how to further proceed in my training. Today, after resting 2 days my knees are feeling somewhat better. I have been icing and taking ibuprofen. I also started taking Glucosamine today. But, I'm not running. I'm afraid at how far I should push this pain. I don't want to cause further damage, but I also really don't want to miss out on any training. I keep thinking my knees will get used to the added strain and get better on their own, but now I'm beginning to wonder. hmmmm. I just don't know.
Well, I guess you will just have to stay tuned for next week to see what I decided.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
It just keeps getting better...
Training went really well this week. I really feel like my body is adjusting to the endurance of running. It is really amazing for me to think about how far I have come in 4 months. I never thought I would get to the point that I actually like running! Amazing!
This week the runs were 4, 5(6), 4 and 11. The first 4 miles went great, I really pushed myself to try and made a quicker pace. I thought I was going to break the 9 minute such luck. But it's OK, it still felt good.
The second run was supposed to be 5 miles, however, somehow I thought it was 6. So...I ran 6. I ended up running on the treadmill. I have mixed feelings about treadmills. I was able to run at a pretty good pace, but it is so monotonous, even with the TV going. I feel like I can just stop at anytime, and it feels so much longer.
The last two runs were a special treat. Rob actually ran with me! I guess I am now such a speed demon that we are running at the same speed now. I was surprised at how much of a difference it made. I was able to run the 4 miles at my fastest time ever. 9:09. It was nice to just have the distraction of another person there, and it helped me push myself. The run was very comfortable too.
Today we ran 11 miles. It went so well too! Rob and I ran together the whole run, we never stopped and ran a 10:30 pace. I felt like I had adequate energy. My body didn't feel overly tired. My muscles, lungs, and heart felt very strong and I felt I could have run longer. The only thing that held me back were my knees. They both started out achy even though I took ibuprofen before we left. The pain got worse about half way in, especially the left. After the run, I iced and used Tiger balm. I think knee pain may just be something I have to deal with. It's OK as long as I don't injure myself.
This week the runs were 4, 5(6), 4 and 11. The first 4 miles went great, I really pushed myself to try and made a quicker pace. I thought I was going to break the 9 minute such luck. But it's OK, it still felt good.
The second run was supposed to be 5 miles, however, somehow I thought it was 6. So...I ran 6. I ended up running on the treadmill. I have mixed feelings about treadmills. I was able to run at a pretty good pace, but it is so monotonous, even with the TV going. I feel like I can just stop at anytime, and it feels so much longer.
The last two runs were a special treat. Rob actually ran with me! I guess I am now such a speed demon that we are running at the same speed now. I was surprised at how much of a difference it made. I was able to run the 4 miles at my fastest time ever. 9:09. It was nice to just have the distraction of another person there, and it helped me push myself. The run was very comfortable too.
Today we ran 11 miles. It went so well too! Rob and I ran together the whole run, we never stopped and ran a 10:30 pace. I felt like I had adequate energy. My body didn't feel overly tired. My muscles, lungs, and heart felt very strong and I felt I could have run longer. The only thing that held me back were my knees. They both started out achy even though I took ibuprofen before we left. The pain got worse about half way in, especially the left. After the run, I iced and used Tiger balm. I think knee pain may just be something I have to deal with. It's OK as long as I don't injure myself.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
10 miles. A testament to the power of visualizations and mental strategies.
Last weeks runs, were 3, 5, 3, and ...10! I worked at making 2 mental "videos" to play while I ran to help me keep going. One video is of a training run that I had that felt really well and I felt strong. The other is a visualization of myself crossing the finish line the day of the marathon. I had to construct these videos in my mind with as much detail as possible and play them over and over until they become familiar. While I was running my 10-miler, I played these videos. I was surprised at how well it actually worked! It was still difficult, I was still tired, but it wasn't that bad. I felt renewed and was able to go faster with less effort with the mental strategies. My pace was about 45 seconds faster on this 10 mile run than it was on the 8 mile.
This week...11 miles...bring it on!
Last weeks runs, were 3, 5, 3, and ...10! I worked at making 2 mental "videos" to play while I ran to help me keep going. One video is of a training run that I had that felt really well and I felt strong. The other is a visualization of myself crossing the finish line the day of the marathon. I had to construct these videos in my mind with as much detail as possible and play them over and over until they become familiar. While I was running my 10-miler, I played these videos. I was surprised at how well it actually worked! It was still difficult, I was still tired, but it wasn't that bad. I felt renewed and was able to go faster with less effort with the mental strategies. My pace was about 45 seconds faster on this 10 mile run than it was on the 8 mile.
This week...11 miles...bring it on!
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