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August 5, 2010
- Well, it happened... another Guillena/Roper girl...with a little bit of modern medicine help. Thank goodness for pitocin. I got to experience quite a few new things with this delivery: prostaglandin gel, IV pitocin, sciatic nerve pain, my water breaking before an epidural, an IUPC (inter-uterine pressure catheter), and an amnioinfusion.
- I was on a waiting list for an induction August 4th. They called me at 3pm, and we arrived at the hospital at 4:45 after getting everything ready to go and dropping the kids off. They started my pitocin at about 6pm, but by 9pm still nothing was happening, so they stopped it and started giving me prostaglandin gels. I had to get up and walk around after each one. I got this terrible pain down my legs, we think it was because the baby was pushing on my sciatic nerve. It was almost impossible to walk.
- They restarted my pitocin at 4am, and were expecting my labor to really take didn't. At 7am they broke my that was a lot of warm fluid...and told me my labor would really take off, and I would probably have the baby by 11 or 12...nope.
- My progress was really slow, and every time they checked me, they were surprised at my lack of progress, but reassured me that it was going to just get to a certain point and then go so fast. Well, my doctor had to catch a plane at 5pm to present at a conference in California the next day. So, we were really hoping to have a baby before he had to rush off to the airport.
- Finally at 3:47 pm I was 9 cm dilated, and the doctor was able to push that last lip past the babies head so I was a 10. Then one push later and our newest daughter entered the world at 3:48 pm. Just in time. It only took 22 hours, but it was worth it. She came out with a nice good cry, (I'm a nursery nurse, I love to hear that cry), and I got to dry her off myself. She is our smallest baby, 6 pounds 5 ounces, and 20 inches long.
- Brinley and Meggie love her to death. I have to tell Meggie to stop kissing her, and every time Meggie talks to Robi, her voice goes up about 2 octaves. So far she is a really good baby. She is nursing really well, sleeping really well, and hardly cries. I guess we got lucky 3 times. We all love her very much and are so glad she is here...(especially me, it's so nice not being pregnant anymore.)

July 31, 2010
Our library offers culture passes to visit local attractions and museums for free, and we found one for the Desert Botanical Gardens in Phoenix. We'd heard it was a neat place to visit so we thought we'd give it a try. Plus, I figured all the walking might help get the whole having a baby thing move along....(no such luck).
We did have a great time though. It was a cool day in Phoenix, only in the 90's, and we spent the evening walking around the gardens. We saw a ton of really neat cacti. There were tiny ones, and giant ones, and some that looked like snakes swarming all over the ground and surrounding trees.
We saw lots of desert wildlife...birds, lizards, a squirrel, cotton-tail rabbits, one jackrabbit, a bullfrog, a great-horned owl, a little toad (more on that later), and a huge black Palo Verde Borer Beetle.
After the sun went down we went on a flashlight tour, to learn about the desert after dark. As we were walking down a path in the dark, Rob suddenly exclaimed that he stepped on something. We searched the path with our flashlights, and saw a little toad belly up on the side of the path. The poor thing had its little pink tongue hanging out of its mouth. Of course the girls, and me too, were all sad about the poor little dead frog. One of the workers came over to see "what we had found!" and when she saw it she said, "Oh, dear....well.....we better get someone over here to scrape it up." Just as she finished saying this, the toad twitched, jumped up, hopped down the path and into the foliage. Huh. I could've sworn that thing was dead, and Rob says he really stepped on it... with all his weight. I just wish we had taken a picture before it came back to life.
Enjoy the pictures...especially the pregnant came 5 days later, and hopefully these are the last pictures we will see of me pregnant.